Address details for Belgium

This page describes only country specific information for the address details response. See get address details documentation for an overview of the address details request and response in general.

Belgium has three official languages: french, german and dutch.

In Belgium an address has no house number addition but can have a "bis number" and/or a "box number".

Belgian address "details" property example

    "language": "fr-BE",
    "address": {
        "country": "Belgium",
        "locality": "Bruxelles",
        "street": "Grand-Place",
        "postcode": "1000",
        "building": "2 bte 3",
        "buildingNumber": 2,
        "buildingNumberAddition": "bte 3"
    "mailLines": [
        "Grand-Place 2 bte 3",
        "1000 Bruxelles"
    "location": {
        "latitude": 50.847208,
        "longitude": 4.352448,
        "precision": "Address"
    "isPoBox": false,
    "country": {
        "name": "Belgium",
        "iso3Code": "BEL",
        "iso2Code": "BE"
    "details": {
        "belRegion": {
            "nisCode": 4000,
            "primaryName": "Bruxelles",
            "nlName": "Brussel",
            "frName": "Bruxelles",
            "deName": "Brüssel"
        "belProvince": null,
        "belDistrict": {
            "nisCode": 21000,
            "primaryName": "Bruxelles-Capitale",
            "nlName": "Brussel-Hoofdstad",
            "frName": "Bruxelles-Capitale",
            "deName": "Brüssel-Hauptstadt"
        "belMunicipality": {
            "nisCode": 21004,
            "primaryName": "Bruxelles",
            "nlName": "Brussel",
            "frName": "Bruxelles",
            "deName": "Brüssel",
            "officialLanguages": [
        "belMunicipalSection": {
            "primaryName": "Bruxelles",
            "nlName": "Brussel",
            "frName": "Bruxelles",
            "deName": null
        "belStreet": {
            "primaryName": "Grand-Place",
            "nlName": "Grote Markt",
            "frName": "Grand-Place",
            "deName": null
        "belBuilding": {
            "number": 2,
            "bisNumber": null,
            "boxNumber": "3",
            "validated": true,
            "language": "fr-BE"

Response property "details" for country code "BEL"

belRegion: struct

Belgian region details. (Dutch: gewest, French région, German: Region)

Hide child parameters
nisCode: int

The NIS code for the administrative region.

primaryName: string

The name in the address language.

nlName: string

The Dutch language name.

frName: string

The French language name

deName: string

The German language name.

belProvince: struct or null

Belgian province details, if available. (Dutch: provincie, French province, German: Provinz)

Hide child parameters
nisCode: int

The NIS code for the administrative region.

primaryName: string

The name in the address language.

nlName: string

The Dutch language name.

frName: string

The French language name

deName: string

The German language name.

belDistrict: struct

Belgian administrative district details. (Dutch: arrondissement, French arrondissement, German: Bezirk)

Hide child parameters
nisCode: int

The NIS code for the administrative region.

primaryName: string

The name in the address language.

nlName: string

The Dutch language name.

frName: string

The French language name

deName: string

The German language name.

belMunicipality: struct

Belgian municipality details. (Dutch: gemeente, French commune, German: Gemeinde)

Hide child parameters
nisCode: int

The NIS code for the administrative region.

primaryName: string

The name in the address language.

nlName: string

The Dutch language name.

frName: string

The French language name

deName: string

The German language name.

officialLanguages: string[]

The official languages used in this municipality.

facilityLanguages: string[]

Languages with language facilities in this municipality

belMunicipalSection: struct

Belgian municipality section details. (Dutch: deelgemeente, French section de commune, German: Teilgemeinde)

Hide child parameters
primaryName: string

The name in the address language.

nlName: string or null

The Dutch language name.

frName: string or null

The French language name

deName: string or null

The German language name.

belStreet: struct

Belgian street details.

Hide child parameters
primaryName: string

The name for the street in the address language.

nlName: string or null

The Dutch language name for the street. If available, null otherwise.

frName: string or null

The French language name for the street. If available, null otherwise.

deName: string or null

The German language name for the street. If available, null otherwise.

belBuilding: struct

Belgian building details.

Hide child parameters
number: int or null

The number for the building, null otherwise

bisNumber: string or null

The bis number for the building if available, null otherwise.

boxNumber: string or null

The box number for the building if available, null otherwise.

validated: boolean

Indication whether the building could be validated. When true it means the house number, bisNumber and boxNumber combination exists.

language: string

Language the address details are localized in