Address details for Germany

This page describes only country specific information for the address details response. See get address details documentation for an overview of the address details request and response in general.

German address "details" property example

    "language": "de-DE",
    "address": {
        "country": "Germany",
        "locality": "Essen",
        "street": "Messeplatz",
        "postcode": "45131",
        "building": "1",
        "buildingNumber": 1,
        "buildingNumberAddition": null
    "mailLines": [
        "Messeplatz 1",
        "45131 Essen"
    "location":  {
        "latitude": 51.430038,
        "longitude": 6.998146,
        "precision": "Address"
    "isPoBox": false,
    "country": {
        "name": "Germany",
        "iso3Code": "DEU",
        "iso2Code": "DE"
    "details": {
        "deuFederalState": {
            "regionId": "05",
            "name": "Nordrhein-Westfalen"
        "deuGovernmentRegion": {
            "regionId": "051",
            "name": "Reg.-Bez. Düsseldorf"
        "deuRegion": null,
        "deuDistrict": {
            "regionId": "05113",
            "name": "Essen, Stadt"
        "deuMunicipalAssociation": {
            "regionId": "051130000",
            "name": "Essen, Stadt"
        "deuMunicipality": {
            "id": "05113000",
            "name": "Essen, Stadt",
            "population": 583109,
            "regionId": "051130000000"
        "deuCity": {
            "name": "Essen",
            "addition": null,
            "shortName": "Frankfurt"
        "deuStreet": {
            "name": "Messeplatz",
            "districtName": "Rüttenscheid",
            "isPoBox": false,
            "postcodes": [
        "deuBuilding": {
            "number": 1,
            "addition": null,
            "postcode": "45131",
            "validated": true

Response property "details" for country code "DEU"

deuFederalState: struct

German federal state details. (German: Land)

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regionId: string

The administrative region identifier (ARS)

name: string

The administrative region name

deuGovernmentRegion: struct or null

German government region details. (German: Regionalbezirk)

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regionId: string

The administrative region identifier (ARS)

name: string

The administrative region name

deuRegion: struct or null

German region details. (German: Region)

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regionId: string

The administrative region identifier (ARS)

name: string

The administrative region name

deuDistrict: struct or null

German district details. (German: Kreis)

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regionId: string

The administrative region identifier (ARS)

name: string

The administrative region name

deuMunicipalAssociation: struct or null

German municipal association details. (German: Gemeindeverband)

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regionId: string

The administrative region identifier (ARS)

name: string

The administrative region name

deuMunicipality: struct

German municipality details. (German: Gemeinde)

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id: string

municipality identifier (AGS)

name: string

The municipality name

population: int

The municipality population

regionId: string

The regional identifier for this municipality (ARS)

deuCity: struct

German city details.

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name: string

The name for the city.

addition: string or null

Disambiguation addition to the city name. Null if not required.

shortName: string

Shortened city name variant without certain additions (e.g. "Frankfurt" instead of "Frankfurt am Main"), as expected by some postal services (e.g. DHL API).

deuStreet: struct

German street details.

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name: string

The name for the street.

districtName: string or null

The district name the street is in, or null if not available

isPoBox: boolean

True if street is a PO-Box or other address type which does not allow in-person delivery (such as Packstation)

postcodes: string[]

List of all postcodes used by buildings in the street.

deuBuilding: struct

German building details.

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number: int or null

The number for the building.

addition: string or null

The house number addition if available, null otherwise.

postcode: string

If validated, postcode of building. If unvalidated, a valid postcode in the street.

validated: boolean

Indication whether the building could be validated. When true it means the house number and addition exists.