Address details for The Netherlands

This page describes only country specific information for the address details response. See get address details documentation for an overview of the address details request and response in general.

Dutch address "details" property example

    "language": "nl-NL",
    "address": {
        "country": "The Netherlands",
        "locality": "Haarlem",
        "street": "Julianastraat",
        "postcode": "2012ES",
        "building": "2",
        "buildingNumber": 2,
        "buildingNumberAddition": null
    "mailLines": [
        "Julianastraat 2",
        "2012 ES  Haarlem"
    "location": {
        "latitude": 52.3748075,
        "longitude": 4.6248921,
        "precision": "Address"
    "isPoBox": false,
    "country": {
        "name": "The Netherlands",
        "iso3Code": "NLD",
        "iso2Code": "NL"
    "details": {
        "nldBuilding": {
            "number": 2,
            "addition": null,
            "allAdditions": [
            "validated": true
        "nldBagInformation": {
            "bagNumberDesignationId": "0392200000029375",
            "bagAddressableObjectId": "0392010000029375",
            "addressType": "building",
            "purposes": [
            "surfaceArea": 286
        "nldProvince": {
            "name": "Noord-Holland"
        "nldMunicipality": {
            "id": "0392",
            "name": "Haarlem",
            "nameShort": "Haarlem"
        "nldCity": {
            "id": "2907",
            "name": "Haarlem",
            "nameShort": "Haarlem"
        "nldStreet": {
            "name": "Julianastraat",
            "nameNen": "Julianastraat",
            "isPoBox": false
        "nldPostcode": {
            "postcode": "2012ES",
            "neighbourhoodCode": "2012",
            "letterCombination": "ES"

Response property "details" for country code "NLD"

nldBuilding: struct

Dutch building details.

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number: int

The number for the building.

addition: string or null

The number addition for the building if available, null otherwise.

allAdditions: string[]

A list of all number additions with the same postcode and building number.

validated: boolean

Indication whether the building could be validated. When true it means that the combination of building number and building number addition exists.

nldBagInformation: struct or null

Additional information for the building found in the "Registry of Addresses and Buildings" (Dutch: Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG)). Only available when the building is validated, null otherwise.

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bagNumberDesignationId: string

Unique identifier for address designation. (Dutch: Nummeraanduiding ID)

bagAddressableObjectId: string or null

Unique identifier for addressable object designation (Dutch: Adresseerbaar object ID). If null no active object is currently registered.

addressType: string

Type of this address. See reference for possible values.

purposes: string[] or null

List of all purposes (Dutch: gebruiksdoelen). Null or an array of text values. See reference for possible values.

surfaceArea: int or null

Surface area of the building in square metres or null if not available.

nldProvince: struct

Information about the province. (Dutch: provincie)

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name: string

Official name of the province, correctly cased and with dashes where applicable.

nldMunicipality: struct

Information about the municipality. (Dutch: gemeente)

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id: string

Unique identifier for the municipality (Dutch: gemeentecode) as defined by the National Office for Identity Data (Dutch: Rijksdienst voor Indentiteitsgegevens (RvIG)). Range "0000"-"9999"

name: string

Municipality name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length. Examples: "Baarle-Nassau", "'s-Gravenhage", "Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude".

nameShort: string

Municipality name, shortened to fit a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length. Examples: "Baarle-Nassau", "'s-Gravenhage", "Haarlemmerliede c.a.".

nldCity: struct

Information about the city. (Dutch: woonplaats)

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id: string

Unique identifier for the city (Dutch: woonplaatscode) as defined by the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). Range "0000"-"9999"

name: string

Official city name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length.

nameShort: string

City name, shortened to fit a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length.

nldStreet: struct

Information about the street.

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name: string

Street name in accordance with "BAG (Basisregistraties adressen en gebouwen)". In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length. Filled with "Postbus" in case it is a range of PO boxes.

nameNen: string

Street name in NEN-5825 notation, which has a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length. Filled with "Postbus" in case it is a range of PO boxes.

isPoBox: boolean

Indication whether the street is a non-physical PO Box.

nldPostcode: struct

Information about the postcode.

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postcode: string

Normalized postcode value, without space.

neighbourhoodCode: string

Neighbourhood code, first 4 numbers of postcode.

letterCombination: string

Letter combination, last 2 letters of postcode.