Address details for United Kingdom

This page describes only country specific information for the address details response. See get address details documentation for an overview of the address details request and response in general.

United Kingdom address "details" property example

    "language": "en-GB",
    "address": {
        "country": "United Kingdom",
        "locality": "London",
        "street": "Downing Street",
        "postcode": "SW1A 2AA",
        "building": "Prime Minister & First Lord Of The Treasury, 10",
        "buildingNumber": null,
        "buildingNumberAddition": "Prime Minister & First Lord Of The Treasury, 10"
    "mailLines": [
        "Prime Minister & First Lord Of The Treasury",
        "10 Downing Street",
        "SW1A 2AA"
    "location": null,
    "isPoBox": false,
    "country": {
        "name": "United Kingdom",
        "iso3Code": "GBR",
        "iso2Code": "GB"
    "details": {
        "gbrBuilding": {
            "organisationName": "Prime Minister & First Lord Of The Treasury",
            "departmentName": null,
            "poBox": null,
            "subBuildingName": null,
            "buildingName": null,
            "number": 10,
            "addition": null,
            "validated": true
        "gbrStreet": {
            "name": "Downing Street",
            "dependentThoroughfare": null,
            "thoroughfare": "Downing Street"
        "gbrLocality": {
            "name": "London",
            "doubleDependentLocality": null,
            "dependentLocality": null,
            "postTown": "London"
        "gbrRegion": {
            "name": "England"

Response property "details" for country code "GBR"

gbrBuilding: struct

UK building details.

Hide child parameters
organisationName: string or null

Organisation name or null if not available.

departmentName: string or null

Department name or null if not available.

poBox: string or null

The PO Box for the building or null if not available.

subBuildingName: string or null

Sub building name which appears on a separate line, or null if not available.

buildingName: string or null

Building name which appears on a separate line, or null if not available.

number: int or null

The number for the building, which appears on the same line as street (or locality if street does not exist), null if not available.

addition: string or null

The number addition for the building if available, which appears on same line as street (or locality if street does not exist), null if not available.

validated: boolean

Indication whether the building could be validated. When true it means that the combination of building number and building number addition exists.

gbrStreet: struct

UK street details.

Hide child parameters
name: string or null

Name of the street, comma separated lines

dependentThoroughfare: string or null

Dependent thoroughfare part of street

thoroughfare: string or null

Main thoroughfare part of street

gbrLocality: struct

UK locality details.

Hide child parameters
name: string

Name of the locality, comma separated lines

doubleDependentLocality: string or null

Double dependent locality part of locality

dependentLocality: string or null

Dependent locality part of locality

postTown: string

Post town part of locality

gbrRegion: struct

UK region details. A region can be a country (e.g. England, Northern Ireland), cross border region (e.g. Wales/England) or Crown Dependency (e.g. Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey).

Hide child parameters
name: string

Name of the region.