Get supported countries

Get the list of countries currently supported by the international Autocomplete and Validate API's.

For each country the name, ISO3 and ISO2 country codes are returned. The ISO3 country code should be used as the initial context parameter for the autocomplete method.

Use this method to automatically expand the countries for which your integration makes use of our API's, as soon as a new country becomes available.

As the list of supported countries does not change very frequently, we strongly recommend caching the result of your requests using the TTL indicated by the Cache-Control header.

URL template

The REST API requires GET requests. Parameters are added to the REST resource URL, and each parameter must be URL-encoded:

Example REST request

Retrieving /international/v1/supported-countries with the proper authentication would use the following HTTP Request:

GET /international/v1/supported-countries HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic 2eTpkU******…

Example response

The lookup is successful so we receive a 200 OK status in the headers:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

And a JSON response in the body:

		"name": "Belgium",
		"iso3": "BEL",
		"iso2": "BE",


Array of arrays

name: string

The country name in English.

iso3: string

The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code for the country. Use as the initial context parameter for the autocomplete method.

iso2: string

The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code for the country.