Address lookup by BAG addressable object ID

Get the Dutch address(es) connected to a BAG Addressable Object ID. (Dutch: `Adresseerbaar object ID`) A BAG Addressable Object covers BAG object types Accommodation (Dutch: `Verblijfsobject`), Pitch (Dutch: `Standplaats`) and Berth (Dutch: `Ligplaats`).

URL template

The REST API requires GET requests. Parameters are added to the REST resource URL, and each parameter must be URL-encoded:{bagAddressableObjectId}

Example REST request

Retrieving /nl/v1/addresses/bag/addressable-object/0363010000614575 with the proper authentication would use the following HTTP Request:

GET /nl/v1/addresses/bag/addressable-object/0363010000614575 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic 2eTpkU******…

Example response

The lookup is successful so we receive a 200 OK status in the headers:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

And a JSON response in the body:

        "street": "Gravenstraat",
        "streetNen": "Gravenstraat",
        "houseNumber": 21,
        "houseNumberAddition": "",
        "postcode": "1012NL",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "cityShort": "Amsterdam",
        "cityId": "3594",
        "municipality": "Amsterdam",
        "municipalityShort": "Amsterdam",
        "municipalityId": "0363",
        "province": "Noord-Holland",
        "rdX": 121269,
        "rdY": 487426,
        "latitude": 52.37367349,
        "longitude": 4.89188037,
        "bagNumberDesignationId": "0363200012093195",
        "bagAddressableObjectId": "0363010000614575",
        "addressType": "building",
        "purposes": [
        "surfaceArea": 3412,
        "houseNumberAdditions": [
        "street": "Dam",
        "streetNen": "Dam",
        "houseNumber": 12,
        "houseNumberAddition": "",
        "postcode": "1012NP",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "cityShort": "Amsterdam",
        "cityId": "3594",
        "municipality": "Amsterdam",
        "municipalityShort": "Amsterdam",
        "municipalityId": "0363",
        "province": "Noord-Holland",
        "rdX": 121269,
        "rdY": 487426,
        "latitude": 52.37367349,
        "longitude": 4.89188037,
        "bagNumberDesignationId": "0363200000076858",
        "bagAddressableObjectId": "0363010000614575",
        "addressType": "building",
        "purposes": [
        "surfaceArea": 3412,
        "houseNumberAdditions": [
        "street": "Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal",
        "streetNen": "Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal",
        "houseNumber": 143,
        "houseNumberAddition": "",
        "postcode": "1012RJ",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "cityShort": "Amsterdam",
        "cityId": "3594",
        "municipality": "Amsterdam",
        "municipalityShort": "Amsterdam",
        "municipalityId": "0363",
        "province": "Noord-Holland",
        "rdX": 121269,
        "rdY": 487426,
        "latitude": 52.37367349,
        "longitude": 4.89188037,
        "bagNumberDesignationId": "0363200012093196",
        "bagAddressableObjectId": "0363010000614575",
        "addressType": "building",
        "purposes": [
        "surfaceArea": 3412,
        "houseNumberAdditions": [


bagAddressableObjectId: string

BAG Addressable Object ID to search for. (Dutch: Adresseerbaar object ID)


Array of arrays

List of one or more matching Dutch addresses.

street: string

Street name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length. Filled with "Postbus" in case it is a range of PO boxes.

streetNen: string

Street name in NEN-5825 notation, which has a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length. Filled with "Postbus" in case it is a range of PO boxes.

houseNumber: int

House number of a perceel. In case of a Postbus match the house number will always be 0. Range: 0-99999

houseNumberAddition: string or null

Addition of the house number to uniquely define a location. These additions are officially recognized by the municipality. This field is at most 6 characters in length and null if the given addition was not found (see houseNumberAdditions result field). The addition "" is returned for an address without an addition.

postcode: string

Four digit neighborhood code (first part of a postcode). Range: 1000-9999 plus two character letter combination (second part of a postcode). Range: "AA"-"ZZ"

city: string

Official city name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length.

cityShort: string

City name, shortened to fit a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length.

cityId: string

Unique identifier for the city (Dutch: woonplaatscode) as defined by the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). Range "0000"-"9999"

municipality: string

Municipality name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length. Examples: "Baarle-Nassau", "'s-Gravenhage", "Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude".

municipalityShort: string

Municipality name, shortened to fit a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length. Examples: "Baarle-Nassau", "'s-Gravenhage", "Haarlemmerliede c.a.".

municipalityId: string

Unique identifier for the municipality (Dutch: gemeentecode) as defined by the National Office for Identity Data (Dutch: Rijksdienst voor Indentiteitsgegevens (RvIG)). Range "0000"-"9999"

province: string

Official name of the province, correctly cased and with dashes where applicable.

rdX: int or null

X coordinate according to Dutch Coordinate system "(EPSG) 28992 Amersfoort / RD New" (Dutch: Rijksdriehoeksmeting). Values range from 0 to 300000 meters. Null for PO Boxes.

rdY: int or null

Y coordinate according to Dutch Coordinate system "(EPSG) 28992 Amersfoort / RD New" (Dutch: Rijksdriehoeksmeting). Values range from 300000 to 620000 meters. Null for PO Boxes.

latitude: double or null

Latitude of address. Null for PO Boxes.

longitude: double or null

Longitude of address. Null for PO Boxes.

bagNumberDesignationId: string or null

Unique identifier for address designation. (Dutch: Nummeraanduiding ID)

bagAddressableObjectId: string or null

Unique identifier for addressable object designation (Dutch: Adresseerbaar object ID). If null no active object is currently registered.

addressType: string

Type of this address. See reference for possible values.

purposes: string[] or null

List of all purposes (Dutch: gebruiksdoelen). Null or an array of text values. See reference for possible values.

surfaceArea: int or null

Surface in square meters. Null for PO Boxes.

houseNumberAdditions: string[]

List of all house number additions having the postcode and houseNumber which was input. The addition "" is returned for an address without an addition.
