Dutch addresses
- Address by postcode
- Get an address based on its unique combination of postcode, house number and house number addition.
- RD (Rijksdriehoeksmeting), Latitude longitude
- Get the closest Dutch address based on Dutch Rijksdriehoeksmeting coordinates or latitude and longitude.
- Address by BAG Number Designation ID
- Get the Dutch address connected to a BAG Number Designation ID ("Nummeraanduiding ID").
- Address(es) by BAG Addressable Object ID
- Get the Dutch address(es) connected to a BAG Addressable Object ID ("Adresseerbaar object ID") for BAG objects Accommodation (Dutch: "Verblijfsobject"), Pitch (Dutch: "Standplaats") and Berth (Dutch: "Ligplaats").
- Ranges by postcode
- Get all streets and house number ranges for the provided postcode.