Address details for Spain

This page describes only country specific information for the address details response. See get address details documentation for an overview of the address details request and response in general.

Spanish address "details" property example

    "language": "es-ES",
    "address": {
        "country": "Spain",
        "locality": "Barcelona",
        "street": "Calle Mallorca",
        "postcode": "08029",
        "building": "56",
        "buildingNumber": 56,
        "buildingNumberAddition": null
    "mailLines": [
        "Calle Mallorca 56",
        "08029 BARCELONA",
    "location": {
        "latitude": 41.383548,
        "longitude": 2.149269,
        "precision": "Address"
    "isPoBox": false,
    "country": {
        "name": "Spain",
        "iso3Code": "ESP",
        "iso2Code": "ES"
    "details": {
        "espBuilding": {
            "sourceIdentifier": "08.900.1795.56.8918408DF2881H",
            "number": 56,
            "addition": null,
            "validated": true
        "espStreet": {
            "name": "Calle Mallorca",
            "addition": null
        "espLocality": {
            "name": "Barcelona"
        "espMunicipality": {
            "id": "08019",
            "name": "Barcelona"
        "espProvince": {
            "id": "08",
            "name": "Barcelona"

Response property "details" for country code "ESP"

espBuilding: struct

Spanish building details.

Hide child parameters
sourceIdentifier: string

The sources identifier for the building as found in the source dataset.

number: int or null

The number for the building.

addition: string or null

The number addition for the building if available, null otherwise.

validated: boolean

Indication whether the building could be validated. When true it means that the combination of building number and building number addition exists.

espStreet: struct

Spanish street details.

Hide child parameters
name: string

Name of the street

addition: string or null

Additional information for the street if available, null otherwise.

espLocality: struct

Spanish locality details.

Hide child parameters
name: string

Name of the locality.

espMunicipality: struct

Spanish municipality details.

Hide child parameters
id: string

The municipality identifier (INE).

name: string

Name of the municipality.

espProvince: struct

Spanish province details.

Hide child parameters
id: string

The province identifier (INE).

name: string

Name of the province.