Address lookup by city, street and housenumber

Get an address based on its unique combination of city, street, house number and house number addition.

Coordinate and surfaceArea values are null values if no location is known, i.e. if the address is a PO Box.

You must always check the houseNumberAddition result field, as a successful response is also returned if only the input addition isn't found.

URL template

The REST API requires GET requests. Parameters are added to the REST resource URL, and each parameter must be URL-encoded:{city}/{street}/{houseNumber}/{houseNumberAddition}

Example REST request

Retrieving /nl/v1/addresses/exact/haarlem/julianastraat/30 with the proper authentication would use the following HTTP Request:

GET /nl/v1/addresses/exact/haarlem/julianastraat/30 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic 2eTpkU******…

Use URL encoding on the individual path elements, e.g. /addresses/exact/haarlem/grote%20houtstraat/1.

Example response

The lookup is successful so we receive a 200 OK status in the headers:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

And a JSON response in the body:

	"street": "Julianastraat",
	"streetNen": "Julianastraat",
	"houseNumber": 30,
	"houseNumberAddition": "",
	"postcode": "2012ES",
	"city": "Haarlem",
	"cityShort": "Haarlem",
	"cityId": "2907",
	"municipality": "Haarlem",
	"municipalityShort": "Haarlem",
	"municipalityId": "0392",
	"province": "Noord-Holland",
	"rdX": 103242,
	"rdY": 487716,
	"latitude": 52.37487801,
	"longitude": 4.62714526,
	"bagNumberDesignationId": "0392200000029398",
	"bagAddressableObjectId": "0392010000029398",
	"addressType": "building",
	"purposes": [
	"surfaceArea": 643,
	"houseNumberAdditions": [


city: string

City name in capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. A province ("NH") or municipality suffix ('gem. Woerden') may be added to identify a non-unique city name. Matched ignoring case and diacritics.

street: string

Street name in capital or lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. Specify "Postbus" for a PO box. Matched ignoring case and diacritics.

houseNumber: int

House number, within a range of 1 to 99999.

houseNumberAddition: string

Addition to the house number, required to uniquely define an address with multiple additions. The longest valid addition is 6 characters.


street: string

Street name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length. Filled with "Postbus" in case it is a range of PO boxes.

streetNen: string

Street name in NEN-5825 notation, which has a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length. Filled with "Postbus" in case it is a range of PO boxes.

houseNumber: int

House number of a perceel. In case of a Postbus match the house number will always be 0. Range: 0-99999

houseNumberAddition: string or null

Addition of the house number to uniquely define a location. These additions are officially recognized by the municipality. This field is at most 6 characters in length and null if the given addition was not found (see houseNumberAdditions result field). The addition "" is returned for an address without an addition.

postcode: string

Four digit neighborhood code (first part of a postcode). Range: 1000-9999 plus two character letter combination (second part of a postcode). Range: "AA"-"ZZ"

city: string

Official city name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length.

cityShort: string

City name, shortened to fit a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length.

cityId: string

Unique identifier for the city (Dutch: "woonplaatscode") as defined by the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). Range "0000"-"9999"

municipality: string

Municipality name in accordance with the BAG Registry (Dutch: BAG - Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen). In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 80 characters in length. Examples: "Baarle-Nassau", "'s-Gravenhage", "Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude".

municipalityShort: string

Municipality name, shortened to fit a lower maximum length. In capital and lowercase letters, including punctuation marks and accents. This field is at most 24 characters in length. Examples: "Baarle-Nassau", "'s-Gravenhage", "Haarlemmerliede c.a.".

municipalityId: string

Unique identifier for the municipality (Dutch: "gemeentecode") as defined by the National Office for Identity Data (Dutch: Rijksdienst voor Indentiteitsgegevens (RvIG)). Range "0000"-"9999"

province: string

Official name of the province, correctly cased and with dashes where applicable.

rdX: int or null

X coordinate according to Dutch Coordinate system "(EPSG) 28992 Amersfoort / RD New" (Dutch: Rijksdriehoeksmeting). Values range from 0 to 300000 meters. Null for PO Boxes.

rdY: int or null

Y coordinate according to Dutch Coordinate system "(EPSG) 28992 Amersfoort / RD New" (Dutch: Rijksdriehoeksmeting). Values range from 300000 to 620000 meters. Null for PO Boxes.

latitude: double or null

Latitude of address. Null for PO Boxes.

longitude: double or null

Longitude of address. Null for PO Boxes.

bagNumberDesignationId: string or null

Unique identifier for address designation. (Dutch: Nummeraanduiding ID)

bagAddressableObjectId: string or null

Unique identifier for addressable object designation (Dutch: Adresseerbaar object ID). If null no active object is currently registered.

addressType: string

Type of this address. See reference for possible values.

purposes: string[] or null

List of all purposes (Dutch: gebruiksdoelen). Null or an array of text values. See reference for possible values.

surfaceArea: int or null

Surface in square meters. Null for PO Boxes.

houseNumberAdditions: string[]

List of all house number additions having the postcode and houseNumber which was input. The addition "" is returned for an address without an addition.


Name matching

The street and city variables passed to the Address.matchExact method must match the official name, but there are two character properties which are ignored:

  • Case: The characters 'A', 'a', etc., will match each other.
  • Diacritics: The characters 'e', 'é', 'ë', 'É', etc., will match each other.

For example, all of the following street names will match the official name:

Official name
No diatritics
All lower case
Different case
Different diatritic
Extra diacritics
Extra capitalization

Only the official name is returned in the response.

Unique addresses

The Address.matchExact method uses the combination of city, street, house number and addition to uniquely identify an address. However, there are a few cities in the Netherlands which have the same name. Some of these cities have the same streets and house numbers.

There are about 300 of these addresses (out of 9 million). These addresses require you to add a suffix to the city name to match the intended address without ambiguity.

The json-rest API will return a special "409 Conflict" status code when such an address is requested.

Example of a non-unique address

The city Oostwold exists in two different municipalities, one in the municipality Leek:

Polderweg 5
9828PV Oostwold

The other address in the municipality Oldambt shares the same address, but has a different postcode:

Polderweg 5
9682XS Oostwold

This ambiguity can be resolved by adding a suffix to the city name.

City Suffixes

City names may be suffixed by either a municipality name or province code:

  • municipality name: "Oostwold gem. Leek"
  • province code: "Geesteren GLD"

These suffixes must be added to a non-unique city name in a non-unique address, but may also be added to an already unique city name.

Municipality suffixes

Any valid municipality may be added to the city in the form of "[city name] gem. [municipality name]":

  • Amsterdam gem. Amsterdam
  • Oostwold gem. Leek
  • Haarlemmerliede gem. Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude

Province suffixes

Any valid province suffix may be added to the city in the form of "[city name] [province suffix]":

  • Geesteren GLD
  • Amsterdam NH
  • Maastricht LB

The complete list of province suffixes:
